Growth of Digitization in Real Estate Services

Growth of Digitization in Real Estate Services

Since the start of the pandemic last year, the amount of time people around the world spend time online has increased drastically and Bahrain is no different. The way people go about their work and shopping has shifted to become primarily remote and online endeavours and as such,  many industries have followed suit to fit this rapidly growing market, and the real estate industry is no different. It has been prompt in adopting online services in order to effectively capitalize on, and ease the buying and leasing process for those looking for new houses.

With the continued effects of the pandemic, the immutability of a digital market has become more clear than ever but the digitization of the real estate industry has not put its agents out of work. Rather, this new environment has allowed those working in the industry to embrace this newfound and convenient way of client interaction and property management which has provided easier transaction processes and the possibility of 3D virtual tours.

3D Virtual tours allow real estate agents to simply send their client a link and with a simple click, the client is able to get a full view of their prospective residence starting with a street view and then being able to go inside the building and visit the various rooms and facilities. These type of tours can be further enhanced with the use of VR headsets which allow clients to walk through the building as they would in real life. These kinds of advanced virtual interactions show a bright future for the online realm of real estate services.

Normally, a real estate agent would send a list of properties to their client depending on their budget and would then schedule visits with the client to these various properties. While a hands-on experience might ultimately be the best one, it is also, undoubtedly, a much more tiring and time-consuming one. However, with VR technology, especially, VR headsets, these property visits can be done much faster and be less exhausting of an exercise for both parties while still being a great experience. It also allows the client to screen out whichever ones don’t fit their taste and thus narrow down the properties to visit in-person if they wish to do so. The convenience of these technologies would also allow for greater growth of the industry and the services it can provide.

Another use of VR could be for virtual staging showrooms. These would allow real estate agents to showcase various properties to their clients in a quick and efficient manner while also being able to incorporate features like being able to view a before and after of the furnishing of a property and marketing properties still undergoing renovation by allowing clients to see a virtual representation of the finished product.

Digitization of this industry is only growing and with the increased capability of modern technology plus with enough time and investment into these new frontiers, the industry as a whole can reach new heights and possibilities previously unattainable. If you have any more thoughts regarding this topic then don’t forget to express them in the comments. is the leading property search website for users in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Launched in 2020, by Abdul Hamid Al Asfoor (Managing Director of Albayan Media Group), has become the most exclusive and leading platform connecting buyers and sellers from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain and vice versa.

An exclusive and trusted community where underused goods are redistributed to fill a new need, and become wanted again, where non- product assets such as space, skills and money are exchanged and traded in new ways that don’t always require centralized institutions or ‘middlemen’.

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