Rap Legal Talk

Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell

About legal guidelines, and laws as well

From music co-writing agreements to age-restricted housing

Let me break it down, no need for arousing

Got a question ’bout registering rent or notarizing it?

Check this link, I’ll give you the tidbit

Wondering what a TA form is, for taxes and such?

Head over here to learn so much

Arkansas prenuptial laws got you confused and jaded?

Don’t worry friend, I got you covered, no need to be faded

And if you’re wondering what “barred” means in the legal scheme

Check out this link, it’s not just a dream

Need a sample of a non-disclosure agreement for a merger?

Hit up this link, avoid the urge to purger

Michigan car window tint laws giving you the blues?

Don’t worry, I’ll clue you in, no need for the snooze

And if you’re curious about the gambling age in New Jersey state

Check this link, no need to debate

Lastly, if you’re an eagle scout seeking funding for a project grand

Check out this link, I’ll give you a hand

So there you have it, a rap about legal advice and guidance

For all your questions and quandaries, I hope this provides a semblance