4 Secret Ways to Soothe a Restless Baby

4 Secret Ways to Soothe a Restless Baby

Babies cry and that is a fact we cannot deny. Sometimes you know exactly what your baby’s cry is communicating and other times, it’s harder to tell. No matter what the reason is, as parents you will want to end the tears quickly and comfort your baby. Here are some techniques to help you soothe your restless baby.

1.Learn to swaddle your child

Swaddling is proved to become one of the best methods to calm down babies by wrapping them in a warm or cosy blanket that provides them with warmth and security. The idea of being swaddled will help your little one feel snug and, comfort, like how they felt in your womb. It also prevents them from waking up unnecessarily.

2.Wear your child

Though you may just want to be in a different room from your child, babies who are have more skin-to-skin contact tend to cry less often. Be sure to pick a sling or carrier that is the correct size for your baby and always follow safety guidelines for their use.

3.Try some white noise

Repetitive whirring noises such as a fan, vacuum cleaner, or washer can relax babies. Try turning on one of these items or using a white noise machine for the part of the day your baby is most fussy. Even shushing in their ear may be enough white noise to calm your child.

4.Go for a walk or drive

Motion or the hum of a car soothes babies. Try going for a brisk walk or a quick spin around the neighborhood to help your child sleep.

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