5 Secret Logical Tips to Finding a Job You Want

5 Secret Logical Tips to Finding a Job You Want

Finding a job is not like a walk in the park but involves more than just crafting a resume or applying for all jobs online in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, left, right and center. It comes down to us having a series of days where we are tensed about whether or not if we’ll find a good job or not.  Such sagacity is usually based more on gut feelings rather than logical thinking.

Know your Career Goals 

Firstly, identify what type of career you want. This is will be important for people entering the workforce for the first time. Make sure you have a clear and realistic vision and goal in which you will like to pursue for your future.  Decide how you plan to reach it and make a note of what qualifies you for that specific career path. These few steps will definitely help you narrow down your search to accurate positions you are passionate about and will help you immensely on the long run.

Get Help for your Resume and Cover Letter

A resume is the second-best step to improve when you are going to find a new job. Ask a friend, any one of your family members, coworkers, or other professional to proofread your resume and cover letter for any errors, as well as to offer advice. The interviewers will only know the things which you have put out in the resume and only through this, they will know your qualifications, experience, hobbies, achievements, etc, so it’s best to make it look good. Finding a job as we know it, is not that easy but there is always a dream job out there for you.

Expand your Job Skills

If you’re considering entering the workforce or start a new career, you might more experience or training to get a job. Consider getting an internship opportunity with an organization in your desired industry. I would recommend you to take online classes or take any relevant courses which will guide you to the field you want to work on for the next 5 years. Make sure that you keep your resume up-to-date as you gain more experience or accomplishments.

 Prepare for Interviews 

Do not ever go for an interview without preparing. We don’t want to panic once we enter the room full of interviewers right? So to be on the safe side it’s better that we research few things before going or know how to answer a common question like ” Introduce Yourself”.

Follow up 

Immediately after a job interview, it is recommended that you email him/her a thank-you note. If you have not heard back from them after a week, the best is to follow up with a phone call or an email. When doing so, make sure that you show your excitement and interest in the job and the company. While you wait for a reply from the hiring manager, continue searching for and applying to jobs that interest you on akomakoo.com.

akomakoo.com is the leading job website for users in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Launched in 2020, by Abdul Hamid Al Asfoor (Managing Director of Albayan Media Group), akomakoo.com has become the most exclusive and leading platform connecting buyers and sellers from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain and vice versa.

An exclusive and trusted community where underused goods are redistributed to fill a new need, and become wanted again, where non- product assets such as space, skills and money are exchanged and traded in new ways that don’t always require centralized institutions or ‘middlemen’.

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