7 Pointers to Help You Ace Your Interview

7 Pointers to Help You Ace Your Interview

No matter how many job interviews you go for, the process never gets any easier. Each time, you have to sell yourself and your skills, and often get told off on various matters in the process, all the while needing to keep a positive attitude lest you tank your chances at landing the job. It’s a hectic endeavour, one that is, no doubt, incredibly stressful, but with a few bits of advice, some of that tension can be alleviated. Stay confident, positive and sociable, and with the following few tips, you can make the event a lot more palatable.

Practice and Preparation is Key

Spend time reviewing standard job interview questions so that when the time comes your answers will be quick, concise and efficient. When talking about your skills, it’s best to focus on those that would be most relevant for the job you are applying to and reinforce your explanations with concrete examples from your past work and experiences. Also, keep on hand a small list of questions to ask the interviewer so as to showcase your interest in the company.

Try to Develop a Connection with the Interviewer

Knowing the interviewer’s name and developing a personal rapport with them is a great way to make yourself stick out in their mind. After all, looking for a job is simply advertising, and successful advertising means being able to keep your product at the forefront of a consumer’s mind, plus people enjoy working with those that they like.

Know the Inside Out of Wherever You Apply to

Make sure you have a good understanding of any company you apply to. Showing that you have a thorough knowledge of the company, whether you’re prompted by the interviewer or not, is a great way to showcase your enthusiasm for your potential new workplace.

Always be Prepared in Advance

Keep your intended outfit ready in advance and make sure you have multiple copies of your resume primed and ready. Similarly, finish up any other necessary tasks the day before so that on that day you can keep your focus on the main event which will help reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with these things.

Always be Punctual

Being punctual to your interview, which generally means being a few minutes early, is always a great impression to make. Plan your schedule ahead of time and give your self a few minutes of downtime as well to deal with any miscellaneous issues that might pop up.

Keep Calm

Never let the stress and anxiety of the situation get to you. During an interview always try to remain calm and relaxed, your body language is just as important as your speech when it comes to evaluating you as a potential hire for the job. Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer and be confident in your every answer. Avoid cutting off the interviewer or talking over them and if you don’t know the answer to a question, directly ask for a moment or so to think rather than stay silent or go “uhhh”.

Follow Up

Make sure to follow up with a ‘thank you’ note after the interview that reinforces your interest in the job and can also include any details you wished to mention but forgot in the heat of the moment.

Hopefully, these few tips will make the process of finding a new job easier on you and if you wish to share any other helpful tips you may know, then please do so in the comments below.

akomakoo.com is the leading job search website for users in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Launched in 2020, by Abdul Hamid Al Asfoor (Managing Director of Albayan Media Group), akomakoo.com has become the most exclusive and leading platform connecting buyers and sellers from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain and vice versa.

An exclusive and trusted community where underused goods are redistributed to fill a new need, and become wanted again, where non- product assets such as space, skills and money are exchanged and traded in new ways that don’t always require centralized institutions or ‘middlemen’.

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