May – Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May – Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

As the weather starts to improve around this time of the year, riders will have a great opportunity to pull their motorcycles out of storage and take them for a spin thus making it an exciting time of the year to be a motorcyclist but it’s also one where keeping an eye out as a driver is important too especially considering that May is the month for Motorcycle Safety Awareness.

As the unfortunate reality of the situation is that motorcyclists are killed 28 times more often than passengers in other automobiles. In 2017, 5,172 motorcycle riders were killed and while the numbers did drop a bit in the next couple of years with there being 114 fewer deaths in 2017 than in 2016, there are still far too many.

A crash with another car is not the cause of every motorcycle accident. Animals, road waste, and not wearing a helmet are all factors that can lead to injury and death.

Here are few safety guidelines for drivers and two-wheeled enthusiasts alike:-

Automobilists –

  • Check the blind spots twice – Motorcycles can easily enter and exit your blind spots due to their speed and height. Always take a second glance, when entering intersections or making a left-hand turn, make sure to stay vigilant. When driving into an intersection, it’s a smart idea to cover the brake pedal.
  • Allow for plenty of room – When stopping, leave plenty of space between you and a motorcycle. When decelerating, a motorcycle rider can not necessarily use the brakes. They may be slowing down by downshifting or just letting off the gas pedal.
  • Keep an eye out for turning signs that light – Motorcycle turn signals may not be self-cancelling, and the rider may have failed to turn them off.
  • Before you start, make sure the rider is going to turn – Know the rules and abide by them. When crossing a bicyclist, a motor vehicle must give the bicyclist at least three feet of clearance. An individual in a parked car does not have the right to open the door at any moment, according to the Dooring rule. A driver or passenger can only open a door if it is relatively secure and will not cause an obstruction.

Motorcycle riders –

  • Keep an eye out for road waste – Road debris is a major concern, particularly during the winter season. If you haven’t had a strong, consistent, hard rain in your town, there might be a buildup of salt and sand on the side of the lane. It’s possible that this could trigger slick conditions.
  • Have an eye out for potholes – Potholes also appear in unexpected areas during a harsh winter. A collision with one could send you spinning or do serious damage to your motorcycle.
  • Wear a DOT-approved helmet – If you don’t wear a helmet, you’re much more likely to suffer serious injury in a road accident. It is important to wear it at all times while riding a motorcycle.
  • Have an eye out for wildlife – Consider lowering your pace if you’re travelling in the country or across wooded areas at dusk. A high-speed collision with an animal will send you soaring. Furthermore, never swerve to avoid hitting a cat. This will cause you to drive into oncoming traffic or into a tree. Brake as hard as you can before you hit the ground.
  • Carefully navigate the turns – Curves and twists in the lane are notorious for causing accidents. Pay attention to signage warning of curves and reduce your speed to the recommended limit.
  • Keep an eye on the weather– Always keep an eye on the sky. The concrete will become slick when it rains. When leaves are added to the mix, the concrete becomes incredibly hazardous.

Riders on bicycles –

  • Check if the bike is in good working order  This includes ensuring the bolts are secure, brakes function properly, chains are lubricated, and tires are inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended tire strength.
  • Consider purchasing any cycling parts  Workplace accessories can make the commute faster and more fun. Mirrors, bells, headlights, and taillights are also necessary accessories.
  • Follow both traffic rules Bicyclists are often seen avoiding stoplights or riding on the wrong side of the track.

Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

This means when you believe it is best not to take chances, even though it seems tedious or impossible to be cautious.

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