Legal Discussions with Keanu and Leonardo

Keanu Leonardo
Hey Leo, have you ever looked at the PSAC collective agreement for our industry? No, I haven’t. Is it something that would benefit us?
Definitely, it’s important to know our rights and protections as actors. That makes sense. Speaking of legalities, do you know if chalking tires is legal in Canada?
Well, I believe some cities have banned it as a violation of privacy rights. Interesting. Let’s switch gears a bit. I’m looking into a stock purchase agreement for an investment. Any advice?
Make sure you understand all the terms and conditions before committing. Speaking of investments, do you know what’s needed to get a contractor’s license? It varies by state, but typically involves experience, an exam, and insurance.
Got it. I’ve also been curious about the use of lava pants in triathlons. Are they allowed? Yes, they are legal as long as they meet the competition’s regulations.
Good to know. Hey, have you ever considered having a prenuptial agreement? It’s definitely something to consider, especially in our industry.
Absolutely. On a different note, do you know the legal age to smoke? It varies by country and state, but it’s an important law to be aware of.
Agreed. One more thing, is bear spray legal in New York? Yes, it’s legal for self-defense against bears, but there are restrictions on how it can be used.
Interesting. Lastly, have you ever used a personal loan agreement template? Yes, it’s important to have a legally binding agreement when borrowing or lending money.
Definitely. And do you know the meaning of award of contract in Hindi? I’m not sure, but it’s important to understand the legal terminology in our contracts.